Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Guns and what I have started this blog

Ok, so I need somewhere to air my beliefs of all things political and religious. I guess, a 24-year-old manga obsessed, cosplaying sub-editor who likes dogs, cooking and anything remotely Japanese doesn't have that much of a social life, so blogging on world affairs seems to be the obvious conclusion. I like to think of these more as columns than blogs, but hey, suit yourself.

So, guns.
In the aftermath of yet another American shooting rampage, and a school shooting in Germany, it should be high on the American agenda to do something to reform gun laws. How is having a dangerous weapon at the free and easy disposal of so many people constitutional? It is not the war of independence anymore, and how will a gun protect anyone anyway these days? Sure, a gun could come in handy in a home invasion, but chances are if you are an American, the intruder will probably have a bigger and better gun than you anyway. Constitution my butt cheek. America may as well not bother with stem cell research, if they will do nothing to stop the endless killing and violence that occurs with free and easy gun access then they should just give up. Much like the Democrats there disprove of the death sentence but support abortion, and vice versa the Republicans, America is a nation rife with contradictions. Hopefully, with a new president and refreshed government, this gun-toting way of life will become a thing of the past - wait, who am I kidding, that will never happen. For as long as America stands, there will be guns, violence and random shootings, and that's just the way they like it.